My Anchor Holds – Hebrews 6:9-20
Do you find yourself questioning the promises of God as they pertain to the world and your life? In Hebrews 6, our hope is described as an “Anchor of the Soul, steadfast and sure”. Pastor Jeff gives three reasons your anchor can hold in the storms of life and how you can continue to “Make Your Hope Sure”.
The Hope of His Calling – Ephesians 1:18
The Apostle Paul prayed that the believers in Ephesus would know the hope of His (Jesus) calling on their lives. Pastor Jeff unpacks what that means and gives us the five hopes scripture tells us that we have in our relationship with Jesus.
The Who of Hope – 1 Timothy 1:1
Beginning a five week series on “Hope”, Pastor Jeff starts with explaining the difference between worldly hope and Christian hope, how the Christian’s hope is not in a thing, but rather in a person, and why the Christian can have hope in that person regardless of what is going on in the world around us.