Stand Alone Messages (Page 2)
God’s Eagles – Isaiah 58:6
Mrs. Jan Wilson, Executive Director of Sparrow Place, shares the word of God and the heart/ministry of Sparrow Place.
I Can Do All Things Through a Verse Taken Out of Context – Philippians 4:10-13
The Consumerization of Christianity has produced some pretty bad theology with scripture passages being taken out of context and used to proclaim something they don’t really mean. Philippians 4:13 is one of those verses in our culture, both in the church and secularly. Pastor Jeff, putting the verse in it’s proper context and understanding, explains what the Apostle Paul is really speaking about and what that means for you and I today.
Next Generation Ministry Sunday
With it being a Fifth Sunday, we celebrated all that God is doing in and through our various ministries geared towards raising up the next generation.